Restaurant Name
Pop Quán
Hanoi, Vietnam
11am – 2pm / 5:30pm – 9:30pm
What to order
- Cánh Gà Chiên Mắm (Fish Sauce Chicken Legs)
- Chân Gà Chiên Mắm (Fish Sauce Chicken Feet)
- Cánh Gà Rang Muối (Salt Chicken Legs)
- Chân Gà Rang Muối (Salt Chicken Feet)
- Khoai Tây Chiên Mắm (Fish Sauce French Fries)
- Cucumbers (helps to balance things out)
Notes / Info
They do not speak english, so unless you speak Vietnamese, there will probably consist of a lot of Google Translate usage, and pointing to images on your phone.
It is might be hard to find for most people. After you walk into the very narrow looking alleyway/hallway/opening/entrance that you use to enter the residential looking building, make your first right when inside the residential looking building. Go up the stairs to 2nd floor. Its somewhere on the 2nd floor. Take off your shoes to enter (because customers will be sitting on the floor to eat.)
It is an interesting place to eat. It can get busy. The owner is very warm and friendly. You sit on the floor, and have a very low-to-the-ground table to eat off of in front of you. The food itself is also very good. Aside from the delicious chicken (which obviously is the whole point to go there), The fish sauce french fries also were very delicious to eat.
If you do not want to do all of that, they have a few other locations, that are just the standard restaurant format more familiar to everyone. But some how I prefer it this way.
External Links

Cánh Gà Chiên Mắm (Fish Sauce Chicken Legs)

Cánh Gà Rang Muối (Salt Chicken Feet)

Khoai Tây Chiên Mắm (Fish Sauce French Fries)